It’s especially funny when your friends and family do it.
People have been laughing about my concerns regarding the COMIRNATY vaccine so I thought I would write a bit regarding that occurrences today.
So here’s the thing with the FDA approval for the COMIRNATY vaccine
All right. So before I or anyone takes it, they need informed consent, right?
So if I have questions about that (making an irreversible change to my body) and I don’t understand something, which is usually the case, then, I’m gonna wait until I have answers to all my questions. This is a decision that cannot be taken back. You know?
Because if I don’t have all the answers to all my questions then I don’t have informed consent.
And before I do an irreversible change to my body, I should probably know a lot about that decision and really (I think) everyone should strive for that.
But see, here’s the thing, if you took the vaccine, you did it right after you didn’t have any more questions. And if you didn’t take it, then you still have questions, right? That’s about how it goes.
For something that is brand new and going into the body you should probably have as much information as you need.
So you, you might need less information than I do, and a lot of people don’t understand this. They don’t understand that different people require different amounts of information. Right?
So some people who took the vaccine had the thought process of “It’s a vaccine. They say if we all take this, we can go back to normal. I’m doing it”. “The scientists say it’s safe”
See? So they just needed to know that there was going to be a return to normalcy or that some person who works in the industry says it’s good.
Some other people say, “well, is it safe?” and then that leads to a whole series of sub-questions, but you get the point right? It’s all going into the same thing, right?
So it’s for example, on the operation side some questions might be: “How does long it work?”, “What does it do?”, “Will it mess up?”.
All these are valid questions. Right? Right. They are because you know, this is why we take the time to study things in science– to get answers to valid questions. Right? Right.
So I personally have a lot of questions and so far science does not have the answers.
My questions are: What are the long-term effects? Does it affect male fertility? Who made it? Why are they working on it? What is their track record? Who would profit off of this?
More reasonable questions.
It Is going to take time to get answers for all of these.
The scientists say, “we don’t have all the answers.” and I say, “okay, I will wait until you do.” Right?
You know for something like this I can’t just go on faith, I can’t go on hope, I can’t go on love because I just don’t know what this will do to me and neither do the scientists (they openly admit this on all of their fact sheets).
Does that mean that I think that the vaccine, isn’t the answer to everything?
Well, no. I’m not sure about that. Right? So it very well could be the answer to everything but I just don’t know enough about it to take it. As soon as I have enough information and I know that it’s safe and does what it says, I’ll do it. Come on. Why not? Why wouldn’t I do it when I have enough information, especially if it’s good for other people!
I took other vaccines. Yeah. I was fine. I’m not anti-vaccine, vaccines are nothing new.
Everyone else was fine so far in previous vaccines. I’m sure we’ll be fine with this one too. BUT, you know, we haven’t been doing this for very long. And even though people will say we have all this information. Well, yeah, but this one is brand new y’all. This one is BRAND-spanking-NEW. Right?
You know? We know a lot about the technologies, sure. But this instance of this specific technology: just came out.
Right? So, you know, I don’t like unknowns, I would like to know the unknowns, to have light shine upon them. I should know everything I possibly can. You should know everything you possibly can too.
So yes, I just have a lot of questions. There’s too many things I don’t know. And all I know is, I don’t know, but as soon as we know, then great!
And that’s when we have the answers to my questions, right? These are concerns for me. y’all. These are things that make me say, “hm, I don’t know. I don’t know.”
Right. So, you know, if there’s a wall in front of you, you build a door maybe (you’ve got a few different options). So if there’s a question I have then I need you give me a good answer. If you don’t have it. I’ll wait. I’ll wait. You can figure it out, I don’t mind, I’ll wait.
I’m a patient person. I swear! There’s just too many unknowns for me, for ME.
Because you know, some people have enough information from their vantage point that they’re like, “okay.” And whether that’s scientific knowledge, or just a reason like “my grandma died. They say this will save lives.” Well, some people just need that. And that’s, and that’s fine. That’s totally fine. They can make what ever decision they like with the information that they have and I can make the decision to wait until I have all of the information that I need.
You know this too, you know that we all need different things. Do you respect that? I hope so.
I, for one, would appreciate if we all respected that about each other.
I would like it if we all respected that we all need different things. And then if people have questions that concern them about something, especially an irreversible unalterable change on the body, they should probably be able to get a good answer for ALL of their questions. They should probably have ALL the data? Right? Especially if they say that these are questions that they would like answers to.
This [vaccine] is a baby and we don’t know if it’ll make it. You know that? We don’t know if it’ll make it. It might, there’s some encouraging things but we just don’t know.
I mean, does that not make sense? I mean, am I crazy person?
Actually, yeah I definitely am. We’re all crazy. Right? It’s just to what degree since crazy has a spectrum.
Me, I’m a stickler. You know me, when my foot is down my foot is down until there is a good reason for me to pick it up. If I feel that having my foot down is the right thing to do then I’m going to keep it there until I am provided with a several good reasons to move it.
I’m a reasonable person though. I’m not going to keep the foot down just to spite you. I’m not doing it regardless of anything. I’m not doing it for any nefarious reasons. You know, my foot’s just there, you know? I’ll move it, you just need to give me a good reason.
One good reason for me to move my foot would be something like, “Hey, here, you want a beer? Come get it.” You know what I mean?
Anyway, I hope you understand now a little bit because, you know, I find it unfortunate that some people are manipulating and gaslighting and just throwing all sorts of shade at people and salt.. just because they have concerns..
Would you want people to give you attitude or laugh at things that concern you when you bring them up? Probably not right? Probably not.
It definitely depends on what the person is saying of course. So, you know, if it’s something that we do have an answer to, or they have a misunderstanding of then that’s remediable. If they’re not good reasons then we should sit down with them and show them why the reasons aren’t good.
I mean, you know, if they have reasonable concerns then hear them out. If they don’t have reasonable concerns, then they don’t, you know? And you can tell the difference, but you have to listen first.
You can’t just say, “oh no, you’re wrong. Do it for love. Just trust me”.
No, no, no, no. I do trust you. I want to do it for love, and I want to do it for the good of everybody. What’s not good about doing things for the good of everybody? Sure. I’ll throw my hat in! BUT you know, sometimes I want that hat back. I’m not going to throw it if I don’t know if I’m going to get it back. Why would I do that? What if it’s a hat I really like? You know?
And I only have one body. One body. Uno.
I do some things to fuck it up and I take some chances, but most of the things that I’ve been doing are things that have a track record, they have stood the test of time. And the fact that most of these things did not kill people or have serious averse side effects during this time period.
Right? Some do to varying degrees. And you never know, you never know which I hate.
I don’t hate it. It’s kind of fun because if you don’t know, then you can go search.
You might go search too but then you might find out more you don’t know later and then the search continues. It’s never ending.
The search for knowledge is never ending.
Because It’s infinity. There are infinite things, and there are infinite infinites. So we’re going to be here while. Haha! There’s another infinity.
I hope you can see where I’m standing for me and several others. You know, we don’t have to be upset with each other about this. You don’t have to. It’s not a character flaw to have concerns, you know? And so what does that concern is “I don’t trust the government, there’s a conspiracy”.
You should not call that person crazy. Why?
Well because that actually may be out there.
It may not be true. But come on, we don’t know and we can’t claim to know either. After all, have any of you ever seen how the sausage is made? Hm?
You know what I’m talking about? Do you understand the metaphor? And you know, if you really do think that’s crazy and you really do have the evidence to refute some points, then sit down with them and SHOW them.
You know, there’s a great Allan Watts quote,
“You can’t convince flat earthers that the Earth isn’t flat just by telling them. You have to say, ‘All right, let’s go find the edge.'”
Does that makes sense? That’s a beautiful quote, I love that quote.
And you know what’s funny? I think pretty much next to no one has ever gone to find the edge. You know, we say that in books but none of us have actually done it ourselves.
Somebody should do that and record it. Record it from every vantage point possible because you should see the things that they do in video post production these days, you know? You can’t trust that either anybody who works in advertising can tell you anybody who works in media can tell you.
Oh my God, you guys know about Photoshop and you have seen the visual effects that exist today, please. This is why so many things are so hard to believe.
Everybody has a want. Everybody has desires. Everybody has done good or bad things to a certain degree. Right? And so, you know, some people want to make a profit. Some people want to save the world, you know?
Some people just wanna sit on the beach and drink and be happy. I’m in that category. I don’t really want to do anything. Laying on the beach in the sun? I could do that forever. Um, but I can’t do that all the time. Anyway. Anyway, just, I hope this helps really.
I would love to not be at odds with people I love.
And here’s the other thing that I don’t think that they realize what happens on like a subconscious level. In the fact that if people have questions and they’ll say, “they’re not doing it” but you if you did the “it” that the last quote was referring to then you’d wonder “why aren’t you doing it?”
For example if somebody is like, “oh no, I don’t like that” or “I’m not doing that.” And you’re like, “well, why not?” Right?
Because you did it. Right? You saw all the right things to be like, “okay, I should do this.” . And they’re like, “well wait, why not?”
Because essentially what’s happening is this other person is saying something and you take it as they’re saying, “you’re wrong.”
Sometimes people do actually say that. But other times they just say, “no, I don’t want it because X, Y, Z”.
So they’re talking about themselves, but you make it about you. “Well they don’t want it, but I did it and now I have to defend my position.”
For whatever reasons this happens. It happens to me too. Don’t get me wrong, everybody does it. You have to be aware of it. That that’s how you solve it. But, so what happens is they say, “I’m not going to do it for X, Y, Z”, talking about them. And then what you hear, deep down, you flip it around and what you hear is “you’re wrong”.
Right? Cause you got it. You thought you did the right thing. So anybody who says, “erhm, I don’t know”, in your mind what they’re doing is questioning the thing that you did.
So now you have to defend your position. Now you don’t have to do this.
However, like I said, it’s all subliminal. People do it without realizing it.
So all of a sudden they’re on the defense because they made the “right” decision. They have to be like, “no, no, no, no. It was right. It was right”. And that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with this.
People let their emotions get in there and I’m not the emotions, police. I’m not saying you can’t have emotions. What I’m saying is even if you feel strongly, that’s totally okay, but you have to be able to talk about it because if you can’t talk about it, people aren’t going to listen to you. If you’re getting emotional about it then there’s no room for civil discourse.
And because you’re taking it offensively. You’re talking to them offensively and they don’t want to fight. Right? They just want to talk and have a conversation. Because I guarantee you like, you know, some people get emotional when they talk about what they do or don’t do. But a lot of the times it’s just like, “eh, XYZ” (as a matter of factly) and there you go.
You know, people will do this with the silliest things like, someone will say “oh, I don’t like purple” and someone else will say, “What?! I LOVE purple! Oh my God, why do you hate purple?” People always have to speak up on their own thoughts if someone else contradicts theirs.
And we all do it. Like I said, maybe if you know about that, maybe you can take a step back from your subliminal self. Because like I say, you don’t do it on purpose. You would never do that on purpose. As far as like somebody saying, “I don’t want to do it because X, Y, Z” as “you’re wrong”. Right? So there’s no reason to have a reaction. Makes sense to me! But I don’t know, who am I anyway?
I’m just some guy, it doesn’t matter. Luckily I’m strong enough to hold my ground even when people go on the defensive or offensive because I know that I have done my due diligence. They don’t know that but it doesn’t matter what they know, it matters what I know.
I just wish everyone could see what I see.
So in closing I think the best bullet points of this article are:
- If people have questions/concerns then they need to be provided with answers or address the concerns
- Do not laugh or make fun of the concerns of others
- Everyone should have as much information as they require in order to make an informed decision for themselves
- Everyone needs different amounts of information to make decisions
- We all should respect that different people need different things and what works for someone doesn’t necessarily work for someone else
- “If someone believes that the Earth is flat you don’t just tell them that the Earth is round, you say, ‘let’s go find the edge’ ” –Alan Watts
- All photos and videos can be so convincingly fake that you would never be able to tell unless you worked on them yourself or know what to look for
- Mind yourself in that you don’t go on the defense just because someone else thinks differently than yourself. You don’t have to defend the color purple just because someone else doesn’t like it. You can like the color purple and they can not like the color purple and you can still both live in harmony.
Wishing you all the best,
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