TL;DR: learn and KNOW your rights folks. And hit me up if you want out of a speeding ticket.
I was issued a speeding citation at the end of June. I was pulled over for going 90 in a 75. I was supposed to plead guilty or not guilty on the 18th of July. I did neither of those things.
Instead I wrote up and mailed something else to all parties involved on the 11th. I sent my correspondence registered mail with return receipt to everyone and they received my correspondence on the 14th.
I checked all possible websites: DPS, the county website, and all other places I could think to look.
Guess what? Nothing is showing up!
Unless anyone can suggest other places I should check out, I believe it is safe to say that my case was dismissed.
Why not plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest?
1. Pleading any of those options automatically makes me accept the citation.
2. Pleading Guilty or No Contest- I pay a hefty fine and I get a mark on my license that I would have to take defensive driving or do community service to have the mark removed (defensive driving is self explanabke. Don’t get me wrong on community service, I’m all about it, but not being forced to do it).
3. Pleading Not Guilty- I would have to appear in front of the judge and convince them of my case vs the word of the patrolman. Not impossible and easily done (so long as I stand my ground), however this citation was issued about 3hrs from my home. It would cost the same as the ticket in my time+gas to go out there and make my case. At the same time, I have to convince the judge andthe judge could still rule against me; albeit the consequences would likely be less but there would still be consequences I don’t want. I would be playing the judges game, and when you’re playing someone else’s game, you are more likely to lose.
Why and how did I do this?
Why?— I was doing was driving safely under the circumstances and was doing nothing wrong. I refuse to pay for any alleged wrong doing that I was not doing and with no injured party on top of that. My case being dismissed demonstrates that I was, indeed, completely within the right and the citation was a fraud. If I was wrong then surely the Judge would have just told me to “shove it, and get my butt in here” I would still be facing a citation if that were not the case and I believe there would already be a warrant out since I “missed” pleading by the designated date.
How?— Simple, I have taken my free time within the last seven months to learn lawful/legal process and learn my rights and exercise my rights by playing the lawful/legal games that are played (hundreds of hours of studying). Granted, this was my first trail by fire. However, the result speaks for itself.
There is always another option than the options presented!! Also—
Many individuals who do no real wrong/crimes face consequences purely from being taken advantage of by the legal system. The legal system takes advantage of those who are (forgive me for saying) ignorant of the law and their own rights.
There are only three real crimes: harming another, destruction of property, fraud aka lying in a contract. If you did not commit any of the three above crimes there is a way out. Do not be taken advantage of. Gubberment officials work for the people, WE are their bosses. Know how things work and learn your rights to keep them in line and keep them from taking advantage of you.
Now that I know my process works, if you or someone you know was charged with a speeding ticket— I am here to help (more especially so if you’re in Texas as I have the Texas Transportation Manual Codes, Texas Constitution statutes, and the Texas Commercial Codes at the ready for cases like this). THIS WILL WORK FOR EVERY SPEEDING CITATION. (Minus citations if you are doing businness while driving— aka doing uber or doordash or something) On top of that, I will help free of charge. I am here to help my friends and family, and you are all my friends and siblings.
Special thanks to:
COVID— who gave me the initiative and time to learn my rights
State Nationals— who guided me on this path and pointed me to the knowledge I needed.
The pioneers— those who forged ahead before me to lay the groundwork for the folks wo are just starting on this path today
This is just the tip of the iceberg folks, you would not believe what else is out there….
One last note,
“The privilege against self-incrimination is neither accorded to the passive resistant, nor to the person who is ignorant of his rights, nor to one who is indifferent thereto. It is a FIGHTING clause. Its benefits can be retained only by sustained COMBAT. It cannot be claimed by attorney or solicitor. It is valid only when insisted upon by a BELLIGERENT claimant in person.”— McAlister vs. Henkle, 201 U.S. 90, 26 S.Ct. 385, 50 L. Ed. 671; Commonwealth vs. Shaw, 4 Cush. 594, 50 Am. Dec. 813; Orum vs. State, 38 Ohio App. 171, 175 N.E. 876.
In this ruling the judge has said that rights are not accorded the passive resistant. Rights are not available to the individual who is ignorant of their rights. Nor are rights available to a person who is indifferent, or in other words, a person who simply doesn’t care. And further, judge Fee has clearly informed you that your attorney can not claim your rights for you. Which is another way of saying that your attorney can not truly represent you. Judge Fee tells you that rights are only available to a belligerent claimant in person. He further stated that to claim your rights in a court of this country, you must be willing to engage in sustained combat.
There you have it.
Wishing you all the best,
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