I pledge to run this website and myself a certain way.
This post is for accountability.
I promise to not track you online.
I promise to not collect your data other than the bare minimum to stay in touch with you.
I promise to never sell or give away the data I collect.
I promise to never have obtrusive or outside advertising on this website.
I promise to live by my word.
I promise to always be learning.
I promise to remember the human.
I promise to treat all humans with proper equity.
I promise to step up to help those who are weaker than me so that we my be stronger together.
I promise to take care of my mind.
I promise to take care of my body.
I promise to always do my best.
I promise to get at least 1% better every day.
I promise to do the most productive thing at any given moment.
I promise to give you answers if you ask questions.
I promise to not put out anything into the world that I feel is unworthy of your gaze.
I promise to to remember the Golden Rule.
I promise to always be open to feedback.
I promise to take life sincerely, but not seriously.
Nobody is perfect, if I stray from the path, please kindly nudge me back onto it.
If you would like me to add to my promises, please just ask and I will consider it. I will never promise something that is not within my power.
All the best,
Next Article… (Why you should listen to anything on this site)