I’ve always said it. To the child that doesn’t know any better, to the crying baby, to my friends as we studied for tests, to my parents in frustration, to those who I only had the pleasure of knowing once. I’m sure you’ve said it too. “Life is hard”
After all, we’re flung into this existence as a blank slate, suddenly wailing and in control of a vessel that we have no control of; thrown into the driver’s seat and unable to survive without the help of our loving (hopefully) parents. Already, life is in hard mode but luckily your parents made it this far and know how it goes.
They do their best to teach you how to live life, the world isn’t easy after all. You grow up and now you’ve got family, teachers, coaches, friends, all sorts of people who show you how things go around here.
Please always remember, you are where you are because others have helped you to get there. It may have been due to your own volition, but you wouldn’t even have your own volition without the graciousness of others and those with the soul of a teacher. (Friendly reminder to call your family/friends and thank them for this)
Sometimes everyone and everything is standing against you
I wish I knew why we all try so hard sometimes to stand against others. We all have our own wants, we all have our own needs. As long as these wants/needs aren’t insidious to the planet/fellow humans I believe everyone can have what they want/need.
I truly feel that there are enough resources, intelligence people, and those that know how to get things done for everyone on Earth to live a happy, and healthy life.
Unfortunately what’s standing in the way of that is human greed. Individual wants. There are enough greedy humans in the world to prevent everyone from having a fair share.
It is not greed to want enough to satisfy, but it is greed in gluttonous amounts.
We can not fault people for being greedy for it is only human nature. It is only human nature to seek solace in things when they can not find it from within. This greed seeks to fill some void inside them but will ultimately fail because true happiness doesn’t come from things.
What’s good about this is that we can potentially show people the light, they say people can’t be changed but I have seen it happen. I’ve seen it happen within myself and within others, I’m sure you have as well. It’s not impossible to be corrected in our ways, to change as people. It may be hard, but we can not give up in supporting a change in view and saving our fellow humans from the problems that befall ourselves./others We must always have faith that we can show people love and light.
Why be alone or against others when we can be together?
Life is hard. We’re unable to evoke change on our own, at least enough change to make as big of a difference as we need to make up for our past.
Not only that but people have been raised and educated without being instilled in the proper manner to promote love for one another, love for our species, love for life and to allow our offspring and our neighbors on our planet to have a happy life while they can.
We are stronger together, and we will make a bigger difference together. The power of love is and will always be more powerful than the selfishness or any weakness that befalls humans naturally.
Just like in a video game, the larger the party, the easier it is to take down the dragon. Again, we’re taking down the dragon here folks (injustice, misfortune, greed, etc) we’re not doing PvP which is another game entirely (player vs player, aka human vs human).
All humans should be on the same team, the team of humanity. Who wants to be hungry/thirsty, who wants to be too cold/hot, who wants to not have the necessities that a human deserves? Nobody. So why would you want that for another being?
Together we can and will make it
We can get through this, we can learn, we can always strive to be better. We MUST do all of these things, at least for ourselves. At least for our future children, and our family (which should be all humans). We must do our best for ourselves because WE DESERVE IT. Also, we must not be so ignorant as to fight against our own team players (often led indirectly by a third party).
We’re going to make it and be better than when we started. It’s going to be beautiful as long as everyone cooperates. Let’s fight for the human race, for our future. NO MORE FIGHTING EACH OTHER, let’s communicate and let’s take down the dragon that holds us back. We can have everything we want, they want us to believe we can’t be we know the truths. We’re stronger together, we’re better together, and we will prevail together, whether they like it or not. Love and light will ALWAYS prevail, for they are the strongest forces in our universe.
Life is hard, but we shouldn’t want it any other way
Yes life is hard, but we also shouldn’t be complaining about it. Who would want all of this to just be handed to them, we would learn nothing that way. We would not be able to properly value it if we didn’t have to fight for it.
Life being hard requires us to grow strong because stress always inspires growth. When a plant suddenly has less sunshine it must adjust its growth back into the sunshine, sometimes letting a part of it die to grow a more beneficial part. If you want stronger muscles and bones you must put them under stress so the body adapts. Same with us, for us to truly grow and become beautiful we need life to be hard. The victory is always greater when earned against adversity rather than handed to you on a platter.
The best part though, is that TOGETHER WE WILL WIN. Failure is NOT an option. As individuals or as a group united we will succeed no matter what. Even with people standing against us. We should be excited to win and excited when we fall because we still have the chance to get back up again, get better, and keep trying.
Some walk the way alone
There are those who walk the way alone. Kudos to you. This is very much the most difficult path and you can tread it successfully. Those of you who do walk alone and who have been successful in doing so are POWERFUL and deserve respect.
Finding that degree of self-love and motivation is not easy for anyone and it is likely that you are where you are due to very hard lessons you were FORCED to learn. You are likely a very strong and hardened individual or a very soft and loving individual. Probably both.
You may continue to walk the way alone and succeed but you will not get to where you are going as quickly as you would like to. If you have somewhere you’d like to go or something you’d like to do I highly recommend finding at least one person to accompany you.
As much as you think that you are fine without it, it can be very valuable to have another brain and set of eyes available. Everyone else sees things different from you after all. Should you choose find someone/let someone in, you will quickly find that while your improvement was slow and steady, it now begins to grow by leaps and bounds.
There are many things we can’t see alone. We get blinded and over-trust ourselves. We don’t have anyone telling us no. People may give you something of value but you may discard it before seeing the true value within. As a metaphor, you could even have broccoli in your teeth and not even realize it and one person saying something about it could save you a days worth of embarrassment. There is great value to walking alone, but there is also great value in others. If you do let someone in after being alone for such a long time, please remember to play nice.
Some people walk the way alone because they choose to or feel they have no other option.
You may feel alone or like you have no other option, but please know if you don’t have anyone else, then I’m here for you should you need me.
Life is fucking hard, let’s make it easy and do this together.
All the best,
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