Do you have a voice in your head like I do?
Everyone is different, not everyone has an actual “voice” inside their head.
When I say voice inside my head, I really mean something more like a feeling in your heart.
Do you have dreams in your head? Is the feeling in your heart strong?
How big are your dreams? How strong is the feeling in your heart?
Do you let them speak out or do you stifle them?
Are you following these feelings within yourself?
Or are you silencing the beauty/voice/feelings/calling within yourself?
This voice/feeling that is driving you to bigger and greater things, follow it.
Some people don’t do it. Some people like their life the way it is even though they say otherwise. For why would they choose to sit there and complain about it rather than actually getting up and fixing it?
People like their comfort, they cling to what they know.
When one doesn’t take action and control over their own life, they may as well be living in a dream– where things happen to them and they’re helpless but to go along with the ride/get swept away by the current.
It is time to wake up and take control.
Listen to the voice within calling, it is seldom wrong.
Stop silencing it– it is time to wake up from your dream.
Wake up, get up, stand up, it’s time to go, it’s time for action, it’s time to start walking down the path YOU choose– not the path that others choose for you.
Following the call from within isn’t easy, you may fall– no, you WILL fall.
Can you handle it? Are you strong enough to get back up again? Say “YES!”, because you and I both know that you can.
You may fall, but you will never fail UNLESS you don’t get back up again.
Keep your inner calling at the forefront of your mind.
Imagine your future, write it down, draw it, make the image as detailed as possible.
Bring your dreams and your aspirations into reality as much as you can.
Bring it into reality so you know exactly what you’re working for.
“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Bring your dreams in reality and don’t lose sight of them, you may have to make adjustments based on the wind in your journey but with your eyes on your destination and the proper mind/attitude/drive you will make it.
You can have all of your dreams, you can have the paradise that you imagine. But what kind of paradise is that for you? How can you give yourself paradise if you don’t know what it is you want?
Do it for yourself and by default you will also benefit others.
Show everyone that it’s possible and that they can have it too.
You can show them that there’s nothing special about you other than you actually got up and did the work and they can do that too.
That’s the life that you dream. The life that you dream, the one that you see in the movies and on TV– you can, everyone can HAVE THAT.
Keep your eyes off the screen, you already know how that story goes– it’s time to start focusing on your own, stare at the screen too long and you’ll just fall asleep.
Word of warning though, watch out.
You may not notice how people talk about you and what they’re saying.
Some people won’t be able to understand, some of these will be people that you never expected.
Show kindness and understanding to them during this, people will have their concerns, people will (however well-intentioned in their mind) hold you back from your dreams/destiny– this is unavoidable for people don’t like what they don’t understand. Some people say they understand, but they don’t and it’s next to impossible for them to be able to understand unless you’re able to frame it properly for them or they have had a similar experience themselve).
This is to no fault of their own, next to nobody can understand you but yourself. They do not see what you see, they do not hear what you hear, and they have likely not walked the journey that you have walked (and even if they have it’s not in the same way that you are currently walking it).
Listen to them full and intently and consider their thoughts/concerns for they do offer these to you out of love for you. Take them as you will for only you know what is truly useful to yourself. Since they offer you these things out of love/respect for you, it is only right for you to do them the same love/respect of thinking about it properly.
Take what you need and discard what you don’t, but at least you did them the proper respect of listening to them the same way that you would want to be listened to.
Good luck and best of fortunes in waking up and turning your dreams into reality.
All the best,
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