Those well versed in history end up seeing a pattern among those distinguished individuals who happen to stand out.
A pattern of interesting influence of one human mind over others.
All the way back in our earliest human records there are references to conventions and legends to/of the general belief of the possibility for one person to expend some influence over the minds/hearts of others, a power which would influence others– either for good or for evil.
There is more to find than this though, it extends further. It extends to a belief that certain individuals cannot only extend influence over minds, but there is also the belief that certain individuals possess even greater mental powers– that which bends even “things” and circumstances to its desire.
Very far back, in the records behind the cobwebs of human history on this planet this belief has existed (really, go look and you will find it). Now only has this belief existed, but it has endured– even despite the opposition of physical science and it endures to today here in 2021.
The passage of time hasn’t deterred this belief– in fact, if you look around with keen/observant eyes and a very open mind (hard to do these days, especially for the generations which are millennials and below) you will see that it has taken a further foothold and lives with even greater vitality (albeit covertly).
There was a period where it was less covert, for those who have seen and truly know and live this law confronted the doubting those who are set in their materialism– those who have claimed that “science” holds the truth.
It is only right that we continue to work to have the Law of Vibration have its labeling/categorization of superstition removed.
Luckily those of us who understand the Law (and don’t immediately dismiss it due to their closed minds/ears to fully understanding the fundamental workings of the world) are able to have compassion and understanding towards those who don’t allow themselves this knowledge for most of us, were once like them before having our eyes opened/experimenting ourselves (the definition of an open mind– trying it to see what happens before coming to any sort of conclusion).
If we weren’t so compassionate, and if it didn’t strain my (perhaps our) heart(s), it would be almost humorous to see people maintain their ignorance and run around like they know something when, in fact, they run around refusing to know what the wisest humans of the past knew and taught as truth.
These people who do not even stop to consider the possibilities are “know-it-alls”. You know the type, those with their “education” and “knowledge” who also turn up their knows at facts that millions (at this point and still a small number in the grand scheme of things) utilized and demonstrated for centuries among all people/countries/races/lands.
The real entanglement for others to escape from is in the emphatic assumptions that the “mind/spirit” is simply some byproduct/output of the brain. The same people that assume this refuse to see that the mind is actually a miraculous phenomenon of energies (electricity, magnetism, light, heat, gravitation, cohesion, etc.).
It’s possible that the reason that mental energy is not given the proper weight in the “scientific” community is due to the fact that mental energy cannot be properly measured on their scientific instruments. This is due to the fact that all of their instruments only measure on one, maybe two, at most three, but certainly not all at once, of these types of vibrations and thus only have a fraction of the picture or a measurement of the lower order of vibrations. Their instruments (at least those available broadly at this time) are incapable of registering/measuring the higher vibrations/power of mental energy and thus they say it doesn’t exist.
Did not microwaves, x-rays, infrared, and even more vibrational energies not exist before we were able to measure them?
I think not 😉
“Scientists” typically put too much weight into what it is they have before them, they do not consider (anymore) what it is they don’t see. If they can’t see it, if they can’t measure it, for all intents and purposes it doesn’t exist.
They have produced theories that exist only to suit their own conceptions (experimenting to support their ideas rather than experimenting to observe/produce ideas– do you see the flaw in this?) and they (try) to ignore any and all of the facts inconsistent with their theory (they have self-imposed blinders on).
If they find a fact that doesn’t nestle into their limited/precise theory they end up disputing and explaining it away or just taking the easier approach and ignoring it entirely.
It is entirely true that one doesn’t have to resort to any “New Age” or metaphysical nonsense/explanations to explain the Law of Waves. All one needs is the facts of physical science to determine the Law of Waves, so long as it is interpreted correctly physical science provides breadcrumbs to follow to find a solution to this “puzzling” phenomenon. That is, so long as the one in search of the truth is honest themselves.
One must understand that while you don’t have to resort to the metaphysical science and our physical science knowledge is all we need to support this, metaphysical science is where the true answer dwells. If one truly gives weight and observes physical science properly it will actually provide the hard evidence so many require a.k.a. a physical basis for metaphysical science.
One who searches with a true heart/mind for proper learning and truth will see that one must start at the phenomenon of resonance, or as it may be called when speaking of mental influence– the transfer of thoughts.
This is because this is one of the simplest places to start and when you start with the basics you will be able to see it in related (everything is related) and more advanced phenomena.
Resonation & the transfer of thoughts certainly exists and can be substantiated solely with the scientific method and setting metaphysical science aside. I’m aware that most may roll their eyes at this statement (if they haven’t done so in reading this so far), but I would assure you that it is so and will do my best to convey this in such a way that you may be able to see/understand it.
So, let’s suspend our judgement for a moment (if you haven’t already) and consider everything before jumping to any conclusions. Hear me out fully, then decide, that’s all I ask.
So, science as we know it teaches that in all of the different forms, degrees, and differences in matter/energy, they all share the basic movement of “waves/vibrations”.
This is the basis of all areas of science.
Everything observable is a wave/vibration a.k.a is in motion. Without vibration there would be nothing. This is true.
From the individual pieces of atoms/molecules and in all areas of science from there that increase in complexity and through every single form of energy– this includes light, heat, electricity, magnetism and everything else. Thus, vibration is ever-present though all things.
When a student of science looks, they will see that all of science teaches that vibration is the basic force and is present in ALL forms of matter. Not only that, but all variations of matter are due to ONLY the difference of variation of vibration within them.
For example we can look at the range of hearing of frequencies within human ears.
The difference in lowest tone that can be heard by humans and the highest tone that can be heard by the same human ear can only be identified by distinguishing the difference in vibration. This difference can also be applied when distinguishing the visible light spectrum. The difference between red and blue light is merely the speed at which the wave/vibration takes place and everything in-between is the same.
Ultimately this is all the same so again, I must reiterate that the difference between anything is SOLELY a difference in the waves/vibration. You can see this between audio vibrations as well as color vibrations, as well as the difference between the coldest cold and the hottest hot.
AGAIN, the differences in extremes can be accounted for based on their WAVEFORM/VIBRATIONS. And as such can be applied to any and all forms of matter/observable phenomenon.
Despite any observable difference, everything possesses VIBRATION a.k.a. THE FOUNDATION OF THE UNIVERSE.
Should one truly be a student/disciple of science one cannot brush off this logic as “philosophy”, “unproveable metaphysics”, or “spiritual mumbo jumbo”– all of the above are FACTS admitted and realized by the greatest minds within science. Just go and look at their writings/teachings and it will be proven.
Furthermore, ANY scientist can affirm that “science” supports that there are fields of energy and force (go look at the unclassified CIA documents regarding MK ULTRA as well as the Mayo Clinic). The waves/vibrations of these fields/forces are way too high of a level to observe the effects with their instruments. Again I mention the existence of microwaves and x-rays before we had the technology to properly observe them– DID THEY NOT EXIST BEFORE THIS????
I predict that all of these forms of energy/vibrations will be able to be measured within the near future. Eventually we will be able to “see”/record thoughts as they are produced from an individual in the same way that we record voices into files (or more easily visualized, into records)– thoughts will not only be able to be recorded, but much like our songs/audio waves they will be able to be reproduced very simply. Maybe it sounds silly but scientists certainly predicted the iphone (a conglomeration of electronic devices in one) as well as the advent of the internet and holograms. This progression of technology only makes logical sense.
You do realize that there are colors that the human eye cannot perceive and frequencies that the ear can’t hear, right? You do realize hat these frequencies can only be detected by technology sensitive enough to register this, right?
For example, you get sunburns correct? Can you really see the rays of the sun? No. But your skin can certainly be affected by them.
I bring them up again (they’re good examples), can you perceive x-rays or microwaves? No, certainly not, and this is a commonly accepted fact.
There are many frequencies beyond human perception, not only that but there are many frequencies beyond even the perception of our (so far) developed machines. One has yet to be able to detect the highest highs and the lowest lows, will we ever be able to detect these? We shall see. Probably, sure, but certainly not anytime soon.
I want to talk about the things we can, or rather can’t, hear again.
We can’t hear the ultrasonic waves emitted by bats and mites, and the Earth itself.
It doesn’t stop the audio/visual worlds though however, These waves continue across ALL forms of energy including electricity. You likely get shocked ALL THE TIME, these waves proceed through your physical body and you don’t even notice them. These waves that make it that you don’t see can even power technology or lights.
Again I tell you all of these statements are nothing new, I’m not breaking any sort of new ground here and in fact I am likely inadvertently appearing to infringe on intellectual rights because there are so few ways of pointing out the phenomena of the world– I may even be called out for plagiarism, I apologize if anyone believe I am stealing words from other rather than just pointing out/reemphasizing the science that has been available/acceptable to the public for over a century now.
For example there was a scientist known as Professor Elisha Gray who can be quoted as saying, “There is much food for speculation in the though that there exist sound waves that no human ear can hear, and color waves of light that no eye can see. The long, dark, soundless space between 40,000 and 400,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second, and the infinity of range beyond 7,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second, where light ceases, in the universe of motion, makes it possible to indulge in speculation.”
Are you able to argue or debate with this? How about if you consider a quote from another respectable scientist known as Professor Williams:
“There is no gradation between the most rapid undulations or tremblings that produce our sensations of sound, and the slowest of those which give rise to out sensations of greatest warmth. There is a huge gap between them, wide enough to include another world of motion, all lying between our world of sound and our world of heat and light; and there is no good reason whatever for supposing that matter is incapable of such intermediate activity, or that such activity may not give rise to intermediate sensations, provided there are organs for taking up and sensifying their movements.”
With two (and many more) scientists backing these facts of science, you can see that I don’t bring these principles to the table unwarranted. They are backed and they are certainly proven. You can see that all of the above that I have taken the time to type out is backed by respectable individuals who know what they are talking about.
This is not any sort of “mumbo jumbo” and this is certainly not without it’s foundation in science as we know it today, in fact it is even more supported today than it could have possibly been at the time of the lives of those scientists who have piqued my interest. Go on, check what Neil deGrasse Tyson has to say about his, see what you find, it’s the same as scientists have been saying for most of all time and what I have known since my time in high school. Should you choose to disbelieve and ignore this, then you are not a true student of science, you do not have an open mind, and you choose to be ignorant towards the true workings of the world.
If the previous statement is true toward you as an individual, I ask that you please reconsider all of the “truths” that you hold and reexamine them with actual honest scrutiny rather than the blind faith that you give to them much like the religious zealots that you likely resent– we wouldn’t like to be like them, now would we?
There is solely one truth and it RESONATES (after all, everything is foundationally a vibration is it not?) between all areas of existence (physical/mental/spiritual).
If you look closely enough you will see that the truth, again, resonates between ALL schools of existence. Physical science always supports metaphysical/spiritual science and vice versa– and does such without any sort of contradictions. The true truth touches all things, because each piece is a part of everything a.k.a. “All is one, one is all”.
I hope the sharing of this Law has been of some help to you and you utilize it well and with proper discretion.
All the best,
Next Article (I Am by Helen Mallicoat)