It has become painfully obvious to everyone that America needs a glancing over.
Everyone is saying we’re full of problems, from within us and from outside us.
Some of these claims are from multiple places such as misinterpretation, misunderstanding, not having enough information, and maliciousness– to name four. There are also other other places this stems from like proper interpretation, proper understanding, complete information, and love/concern,
I think, between the two polarities, we could solve all of these issues.
If we properly think of what we’re against then we should be able to reward positivity and mitigate negativity in the world around us. I think we all have to realize that everyone is striving for what they believe to be the greater good. I think we can have a wold where we all benefit and life could be as good, safe, healthy, fulfilling, and as positive as possible for EVERYONE!!…
But here is the tricky part: we all have to work together and agree on it.
It was in an anime I watched recently, where the commander of a small army was fighting for the greater future of humanity no matter what and against tremendous odds; a future where everyone is safe, nobody is scared, and ideally everyone could live in peace.
The commander of the army was with another commander of a different branch of military (one who guarded humanity’s boarders) who made it clear that they would also support humanity’s safest path though it could go against the army commander’s idea of “best for humanity”. For the boarder commander, it was most important that humanity survived, which meant siding with the horse most likely to keep us alive.
The two commanders were on edge, because they had also recently found evidence of a plan (enacted by a small class of the most upper elites) to subject humanity within the walls/domain of humanity’s safe zones. But this was nothing new for them, this tends to happen within humanity from within time to time as we all know.
The one who guarded the boarders asked the commander of the army, “When do you think that we will stop fighting with each other?”.
The commander of the army answered, “When there is only one person left”
Yes folks, that’s one of ways the various ways to end humanity through the multiverse theory. Should we choose that one? Nah I’d actually like a far more positive one if you don’t mind, we could share it 🙂
While the commander of the army was right, that is only one of the ways we could pick in the multiverse, and in the multiverse there are INFINITE options! As such, I found a much better option that I think could really benefit everyone and make sure as many of us make it out as possible:
Have a really good way of figuring out what’s best for us.
We already actually possess a really good way of figuring out what’s best for us, it’s called voting. So “awesome” we’re off to a really great start because we can build off of there and make adjustments as needed.
I don’t think there’s a lot that needs to be changed. I actually think the recent events have shown us, so far, that our checks and balances are doing their job. I think everyone is acutely aware, moreso than they were in previous election cycles. There are a bunch of reasons to this, but I really think it’s good we watch the government; they watch us, so let’s watch them and make sure that they’re working to a standard that is justified for the amount that we pay them.
I don’t think a lot needs to be changed, but I think that this past four years has demonstrated that the American people and their trust of the U.S. Government is collapsing. I think this is very detrimental to the United States as a nation, the sovereignty of the people, other countries who have modeled themselves in our image, the relationship to our neighbors (down the street within the nation, but also the countries on either side of us… anyone who does business with us really. We are on the spot and we need to present ourselves well).
Think of how would you dress if you had to speak to the world.
How would you want people to interpret you as? A nation where we can’t talk and listen to each other or the opposite? A nation in turmoil or the greatest damn nation on Earth?
Pardon my french, but it is what we are, but we aren’t gonna be that way much longer and we should get our act together before we put ourselves in a position where people start thinking of doing cheeky things. Maybe they’re already doing it, but again, it seems that the level of concerned citizens looking at the government means those who are being cheeky now have to be very very careful because more and more people may catch them in the act.
Our systems and checks and balances may have held up but now we must rebuild and reunite our country, we must move on and start taking affirmative action to WORK TOGETHER to restore our country to it’s former glory;
This is an all-hands–on-deck situation here and we are bringing on some water, so grab a bucket and do what you can.
I think it can be said that, between everyone in the USA, there are many agreed-upon areas in our government that need some looking at.
How to decide what to fix? Well there are actually a lot of things I think we can attend to straight away, but I’ll give you one now and if you’re interested in the others or have questions/comments than you can type something below and we can discuss. I’m building up to something, it gets really gets good later (At least I think so) I’ve got a few ideas, I like to think and I do my best to think thoroughly and I think you may like it too.
Before I get into things I would like to tell you why I’m doing this:
It’s because the GOVERNMENT MOVES SLOWLY (if at all). I understand the safety of moving slowly, but also I think we are way over due on some adjustments that most of the citizens all agree upon, or at least we can find a way to agree where everyone is happy.
I’m 100% positive we can do this and I would like to try. Call me crazy, but I think a world where we can all agree (even if it’s only to agree to disagree) is worth trying and fighting for.
Not only that, but I am a citizen of the great and beautiful United States, and citizens of the United States give the Government their authority and have the power to change it. I would merely like to exercise my right to present some ideas forward for consideration to my fellow siblings and neighbors in America and ask that you read it and judge it. It perhaps will need elaborations and amendments (don’t we know another majorly successfully document that required this?), but if you think this is good and worth something, please pass it on. Change only happens as fast as we let it, and we should accelerate the good things, the ones that are onto something.
Now, let’s get into it.
I think it could be fairly said that the transparency in the election process needs some work. I think I’ve come up with a possible solution to implement.
Election results can be more transparent and the American’s trust can be restored by the injection of the (COMPLETELY OPTIONAL)
Optional Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity.
NOTE: This is NOT reminiscent of China’s social point system, that is tragic in this writer’s opinion.
So what is Optional Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity? Well, but in the plainest of words it is “personal accountability offered where everyone can see it”.
I will explain the concept in full now.
I. – it is absolutely mandatory that Optional Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity be completely optional. People have a right to not be on public display, that is their freedom (the freedom of privacy) and we must always respect that.
I.I – Since we have to respect everyone’s right to have privacy, we must navigate this accordingly. This is why Optional Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity is optional, you do NOT have to participate if you don’t want to. We can’t punish people for their choice of whether they opt-in or not, and similarly we cannot reward them as well. The reward for opting-in is getting to see how things get done around here, the punishment for not opting-in is not getting to see how things get done around here; these are rewards and punishments enough.
I.II – This needs to be fully optional to give people the most sense of freedom. As such, the option to opt-out should be always be granted when requested.
I.II-A – We cannot punish people for not opting-in as laid out above (I.I). As such, if one doesn’t opt-in to Optional Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity then they may vote traditionally.
I.III – It is important that people aren’t able to opt-out instantly, otherwise this will make “public” and “accountability” invalid. As such, any vote cast while opted-in will retain the data of the vote caster and display it accordingly at the end of a result.
I.IV – Opting-in to having the option of the Optional Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity used for votes available at all is determined individually on each City/County/State/Territory/National level. Once brought through the proper legal channels, this is determined by a simple majority vote.
I.V – Lastly, each vote, all those who are going to participate in said vote will vote as to whether or not Optional Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity will be implemented based on simple majority rules. CLARIFICATION: This does not mean that one will be required to use Optional Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity.. This means that there will be a vote as to whether there will be an option for the Optional Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity. I think we can all agree that there are some touchy subjects that it’s better for people to not to know who voted for what.
II. – The more eyes that are on someone, the less likely that they will do something “wrong” or in this case— to the detriment of humanity. As such, once all votes are cast in an election of public officials, the names of voters will be placed on display in public view on the appropriate governmental websites.
II-A – Public means on full display for all. As such, those who opt-in and place votes can be seen by the affected/proper public (as laid out in section II.II below) regardless of their enrollment in the Optional Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity.
II.I. – We do not want people to have the capability to commit hate crimes based on one being able to see someone else’s vote. As such, any hate crimes will be treated with the same due process and severity as all current discriminatory laws (based on age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, or skin color). It is possible to have prejudice or hate crimes based on votes, this must be presented plainly and explained to those opting-in, it must also be registered that they acknowledge this possibility when enrolling. It is required that they acknowledge this possibility and there is record of it so that they may have the full understanding to be able to make the decision that is right for them.
II.II – We must only display things where they are most relevant, there are no reasons for average citizens who didn’t participate in the vote and aren’t in the jurisdiction of the vote to have access to the displayed information. Information publicly published shall be limited to their jurisdiction of concern level (either City/County/State/Territory/Nation) with some elections resisting in multiple categories as fitting; Information publicly displayed shall not be visible to those who do not participate in the vote
II.III – The information displayed must be reasonable and as minimal as possible for ambiguity while leaving an equal level of accountability for everyone. As such, information will be displayed uniformly as: First Name, Last Initial, Vote Cast, and (OPTIONAL) Reasoning of 50-120 characters or 1 (one) minute audio message.
II.III-A – The (OPTIONAL) reasoning of 50-120 characters or 1 (one) minute audio message must be relevant, but it is difficult to nail down what is relevant without bringing room for judgement/bias. As such, we need guidelines. It is much easier to keep the guidelines as simple/fair as possible. As such, they are: NO URLS, Phone Numbers, Emoji’s, Messages That Incite Violence, Void of Information, or any other message that would break any laws.
II.III-B – The function of the (OPTIONAL) reasoning of 50-120 characters or 1 (one) minute audio message is for the voter to state their reasoning as to why they didn’t choose the other option. It is helpful for the other side to know what reasoning they have so that they may have the opportunity to satisfy any concerns presented.
II.III-C – The guidelines of (OPTIONAL) reasoning of 50-120 characters or 1 (one) minute audio message can be adjusted by committee, the details of the committee to be decided the same way voting rules are decided within that state. Committee members may never remove the founding categories but may remove any which have been applied since.
II.III-D – Any information regarding the displayed vote shall be removed after a period of 1 (one) week and it will be destroyed accordingly. This is to mitigate revealing the history of a voter without their consent.
II.III-E – If a opted-in citizen chooses to leave a 1 (one) minute audio message, they will have the option to record one of their own or type a message that will be input into a text-to-speech translator that is intelligible and plays back at a average/reasonable talking speed. Should the opted-in citizen choose the option to record a message of their own, they will have the option to then have the audio processed randomly to an extent that is not unintelligible/detrimental to their message (so as to add a layer of protection for the opted-in citizen) OR post with no processing if they so choose. Should an oped-in citizen choose to have their voice processed, it must be laid out plainly and confirmation of their understanding must be registered that with the ever-increasing capabilities of technology, it is possible that this level of protection may be able to be undone through nefarious means; additionally, should the opted-in citizen choose to use their unmodified voice, it must be plainly stated and confirmation must be registered to the understanding of the risks associated with such an action.
III. – Accountability in Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity is a direct result of the “Optional” and “Public” doing its job. Essentially it is self-granted accountability. The one who opts-in to Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity is allowing themselves to be viewed and held accountable by their fellow citizens. Essentially what one is doing when they opt-in, is giving up a portion of their freedom of privacy to put on display for the world to see and make of it what they will.
III.I – Those that opt into Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity are individuals who do not mind displaying how they think/feel. These are people who wear their heart on their sleeve. This does not make people who opt for privacy worse, it just makes them those that don’t wish to be seen, that wish to use/retain their right to privacy.
III.II – The Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity is, in essence, a new form of social balancing that requires the consent of all those participating.
IV. – All eligibility rules that apply to voting apply to the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity.
IV.I – Validity of the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity will be ensured and determined by each state, but should largely align with each state’s method of enduring and determining votes. Additionally, should the validity of the results of the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity come into question, it will be dealt with in the same way as when traditional votes’ validity comes into question.
IV.II – Enrollment into the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity requires proof of livelihood, current address, and citizenship.
IV.III – All information ingested into the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity shall not be SOLD, EXCHANGED, GIVEN, or otherwise transferred to any other private entity for ANY reason– unless that reason is brought forward and voted on with at least 9/10ths majority.
IV.IV – All private information not used for the display of the results of the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity (current proven address, social security number, date of birth, etc) shall be safe, secure, and protected to the highest level of modern security available possessing a proven track record with redundant backups through multiple storage mediums (cloud and/or local and/or off-grid storage, digital and/or analog storage for example). Should any person or entity breach this storage, it will be tried, judged, and prosecuted accordingly to the fullest extent of the law.
IV.V – All United States citizens will have the same level of transparency within the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity. No special treatment shall be made to exclude or adjust any information based on any factor, even that of celebrity status. All citizens are treated equally.
IV.VI – The media will not be the source of official primary announcements to the results of the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity. Official primary announcements will be presented from public government forums.
IV.VII – The only figures from the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity that any person or entity outside of the government is allowed to publish are the percentages of how many votes an option had.
IV.VIII – The no person or entity shall be allowed to re-post/re-publish the voter information displayed from the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity (II.III) outside where it is acceptable to be seen (II.II & IV.V). Furthermore, any person caught doing this shall be tried, prosecuted, and judged accordingly in a court of law.
IV.IX – The Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity shall give the enrolled constituents access to a DIGITAL and SECURE method of voting. This is to circumvent any voter suppression at physical voting locations.
FOR THE CASE OF THE Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity:
Alright so, I’m sure you all have some concerns for this plan.
“It’ll never work.”, “Who would ever opt-in to do that?”, “There is no doubt that there will be discrimination based on the information given.”
All valid concerns and I will do my best to answer the concerns I foresee you having.
Concern: “It’ll never work.”
I am sorry to say that that is a very short sighted statement and allows for no possibilities. If this is the statement you stand by then you will have allowed it to not work immediately by not even giving it a chance.
How many times in life have you ever said that about yourself? My heart goes out to you if your way of thinking is to not consider the possibilities.
Another question for those who hold this stance: How many times have you thought that about yourself or others and been proven wrong? You may not have kept track, but I would wager that it’s more than you realize.
I’m not here to talk about your point of view of life though.
My question to you that hold this stance, my fellow siblings on this Earth, is: How do you know it won’t work? How do you know it won’t work if you won’t give it a chance?
You may respond with “People will never give up their privacy!”.
I say “HA!”.
Look around you, billions of people willingly give up their privacy EVERY DAY when signing up for web services that “benefit” them and most do it without thinking about it. So why don’t they think about it? Because they would like to have the “benefits” of that service, some people want the benefits of that service so much that they even allow these companies to SELL THEIR PRIVATE INFORMATION TO OTHER COMPANIES.
Let that sink in. Meditate on that for a moment.
If someone is willing to do that for the benefits of having other services, then why AS AN AMERICAN, would they not be willing to give up their privacy towards the means/service of our great country?
Concern: “Nobody will opt into that”
I disagree. There is a reason I titled this process what I did, and it’s not to guilt trip people into giving up their privacy.
It’s to put things in perspective.
People will opt into it to fix the voting situation in America. It is obvious there was voting suppression and general manipulative shenanigans from ALL SIDES (LEFT, RIGHT, FOREIGN ENTITIES). Regardless of whether you agree about the tactics of the foreign entities, I think you will agree (as our government does in the highest cases of law making/political process) that 2/3rd is enough to pass.
We have to fix our voting system, and even if it’s not actually broken, we need to establish a method of trust in our voting system at the very least.
Politicians aren’t going to do it, and if they do, they’ll be arguing about it for YEARS before anything gets approved, let alone producing the infrastructure… we all know how quickly the government moves (slowly).
So how do we establish trust in the voting system?
We bring in transparency so that all can see what’s happening.
After all, what do you do when you truly trust someone else? You tell them everything. You are honest with them. Even if they disagree, you trust them enough to still present your beliefs.
There is greater benefit from everyone seeing what everyone else is doing so that we may verify with EACH OTHER the results. With this method we can walk up to Johnny E. and be like, “Yo, bro, did you vote for this?” and Johnny can be verified by ANYONE.
It is in everyone’s best interest to look out for each other after all, “All for one, and one for all!”. A very beautiful quote when concerning others, with the keyword in that saying being: “and”.
We can have everyone is there for the individual, AND we can also be the individuals there for everybody. We don’t need to compromise at only just ALL or ONE. WE CAN HAVE ONE AND ALL.
Concern: “There is no doubt that there will be discrimination based on the information given.”
You are correct, and I’m glad you’re thinking about the safety of others (if you weren’t mainly thinking of yourself).
First off, let me say this concern was foreseen and addressed in section II.I.
Secondly, are you afraid of being discriminated against? Or are you steadfast in holding your beliefs? Are you so steadfast in your beliefs that nobody and no “evil” can threaten you to change them otherwise because you stand for “good”? You should not be afraid to stand up for your beliefs if they are well founded and truly a force for “good”, how could you ever be afraid of doing the right thing?
Thirdly, I would say yes, there is chance of discrimination based on political beliefs,
This is happening right before your eyes “THOSE HORRIBLE TRUMPIES” and “THE EVIL DEMOCRATS”.
This cannot be fixed with a legal proposition. YOU, the reader, YOU, the American, YOU a fellow child of the Earth must fix it. We must create a new custom of non-discrimination, we must put our feelings aside in these matters.
Much like we have decided that discrimination based on skin color, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, etc is BAD AND SHOULD NOT BE DONE— we must also add sides of the political isle.
There is a reason it’s an isle and there is no actual physical barrier between the two sides– it’s to let us walk across it and unite, and yet we choose to maintain our two sides and never visit our siblings on the other side for a hug, or a BBQ, and say, “Hey I know we disagree, but I know we’re both working for the greater good. We both have our separate concerns and they are both valid and while we are both passionate and steadfast in our ways, I’m certain we will find a compromise that works for everyone.”
But we don’t do this do we, do you do it? Some do, some don’t. If you’re not doing it, you should start. Any other response like I see SO MANY OF YOU MAKING, is so disappointing– my heart aches each and every day when I see us getting more divisive rather than becoming close together.
We’re better than this family,
It’s time to put differences aside, and work together for the greater good.
Stop contributing to the problem with your inaction, stop sitting around waiting for Daddy Government to solve all the problems. Our politicians AREN’T SOLVING THE PROBLEMS. Very few are actually taking the initiative to solve the problem themselves. WE THE PEOPLE, give the power to the Government and we have allowed it to go too far.
This is why I sit and type this here today my family. I sit here and type this despite not being a lawyer, despite not going to a university, despite not being a politician.
I type this because America is currently in an “all-hands-on-deck” situation here and if you’re not trying to help, you’re contributing to the problem. I HAVE to try to help. It is my DUTY as an AMERICAN.
If you’re not trying to out-love someone’s hate, you’re contributing to the problem.
If you’re not trying to out-love someone’s hate, you’re contributing to the problem.
You can’t just hate somebody, you have to love them, you have to counter their hate with love.
For my final point to address the concern of “There is no doubt that there will be discrimination based on the information given.” is for you to really look around you.
You do realize that America is THE MOST NON-DISCRIMINATORY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, right?
You do realize the discrimination that the LGBTQ+ groups get in other places in the world, right? Many are still killed or hated and spat on.
You do realize that racism still runs rampant throughout other parts of the world worse than here right?
You do realize that people will get shot for not voting a certain way, right?
You do realize that other religions are still persecuted in other countries right?
You do realize that women are still held down and not afforded equal rights in other countries, right?
You do realize that America was FOUNDED on the idea of NON-DISCRIMINATION right?
Yes we had a rocky start, but we have steadily improved ourselves. And regardless of what you think of our country, WE ARE STILL #1 in this regard.
If you think America is bad, well, if we’re #1, what does this say about everywhere else?
If America is bad, why do SO MANY PEOPLE want to move here?
In conclusion
I really don’t have much else to say, I’ve laid it all out above.
I will just leave you with a parting thought, and some requests.
I by no means think this proposition for the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity is going to solve all of our problems. However, I do think it is a good place to start. For how can we ever begin to solve our problems without ever taking a first step? There’s too much talk in the world and not enough action. I’m taking the action for us.
I by no means think that the proposition for the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity is perfect as it stands.
I would be foolish to think that as someone who isn’t a lawyer or politician, I wouldn’t have some oversights, misuse in some language, or addressed everything that needs to be addressed.
I’m certain that the Optional Personal Public Accountability for the Greater Good of Humanity could be improved and I welcome any and all suggestions for improvements.
I cannot do this alone, no man is an island. I need your help my friends.
Please help me, if at the very least you spread this idea around to those who may be able to help me or take this idea and run with it.
Thank you for reading and cheers to the start of the first step toward to a better America.
Wishing you all the best,
Previous Article (We Must Begin Reuniting)