(originally written on 08/05/2010)
The day I left home I yelled over my shoulder
“One day I’ll be skilled and successful you’ll see!!
When that day comes you’ll wish you really knew me.”
All the times that I’ve struggled and fallen
I’ve gotten back up and marched forward again.
Every time I do I will grow stronger still.
On the road I’m traveling there are twists there are turns,
But I laugh in the face of danger and walk with no fear.
On this path I’ve met many people.
There are those who are kind and help me on my journey.
Then there are the unkind with faces like masks.
So I cannot see their secrets, their hearts, their past.
But no matter what happens I continue on
Because I laugh in the face of evil and walk with no feat.
I’ve learned so many new things along this road
I can put to good use when I finally find a new home.
With my new-found power, this wisdom, these skills
I’ll take the world by storm and then you will see,
Who I am and all that I will be.
Wishing you all the best,
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