“11:11, make a wish!”
You’ve done it, you’ve said it, sometimes you’re lucky enough to catch it twice in one day.
People often times find themselves looking at the clock. People also have a knack of imparting meaning in places where there is none.
We will see faces in inanimate objects, we will read into someone’s action, we’ll read charts and look at numbers seeking to find combinations that indicate things.
Since the obligation is to know the time is so ingrained in our societal existence, we tend to check it frequently. We allow ourselves to be beholden to it after all.
Humans are creatures of habit, largely influenced by the habits of nature a la the day and night cycle. There is only so much of the day and we are able to only get so much done throughout it and usually only at certain times.
Between all this, sometimes we see recurring numbers that seem to tease some significance.
If you’re into Astrology at all then you will be familiar with Numerology– diving meaning from the numbers that appear in our lives.
It’s up to you whether or not you’d like to read into any significance and buy into Numerology.
Those that do, tend to ascribe to the believe in an intelligent universe one that brings you only things you need and nothing that you don’t. Many people discard this belief as “woo-woo”, for they cannot come to the purview that the universe isn’t a happy accident and absolutely random as can be.
I am no expert in Numerology and you should really research yourself, but I don’t find the idea Numerology to be impossible or just “woo-woo”, though I would personally never spend time trying to divinate what’s going to happen in my life.
I believe in the signs from the universe, and I believe in an intelligent universe. I believe everything has consciousness. I do believe the universe waves (sin, cos, tan) pretty often to get our attention.
I could speak on several standard-ish meanings for what strings of numbers may mean, but for this post I’m going to confine myself to 11:11.
I think 11:11 is a friendly reminder. I’d like to call it a reality Easter Egg, but 11:11 is even more intentional than that.
What is 11:11? Well, it is all ones.
Do you see what I mean? See the hidden-in-plain-sight second message there? It’s all ones.
All of it is ones and the ones are all of it.
All is one, one is all– ALL ONE.
This is the meaning I like to give to 11:11. 11:11 reminds me that I am an individual, yes, but as much as I am an individual I an also an inseparable part of the all. That is not just true of me, but every individual.t
When I say inseparable part of the all, I mean ALL.
Some people like to stop at the confines of their skin for who they are in the world, they see themselves only as their body. Should one only see themselves as their body, they need only extend their view to what happens after they die. They are either buried or cremated, and their remains become one back into the universe.
11:11 is a reminder to me that I am one and I am everything, in the exact same way that you are one and you are everything. I love myself and thus I love you.
I remember to love everything and that any trifles of my day-to-day life are just that, trifles. And everything is as it should be. Everything is going to work out. What is any problem when you compare it to the grand scale of the YOU-niverse?
There are another couple extra meanings within the time 11:11.
What? But you just said “All is one and one is all, and what else could be there?”
Well we have a time, a very specific time, but what else can you tell in those numbers?
You can tell that there are 49 minutes till 12:00.
49 could be considered a significant number as well as it is 7 squared or 7×7. Those of you who don’t know any Numerology at the very least know that 7 is often considered a lucky or holy number.
Whenever a number is squared, its essence is magnified. 7 essentially represents spiritual perfection, and 49 even more so. A more ultimate spiritual perfection.
12 also can be said to have significance– 12 disciples for example.
12 is considered a perfect number, is that it symbolizes God’s power and authority, as well as serving as a perfect governmental foundation. It can also symbolize completeness.
Putting that last little cash course of Numerology together, the meaning I derive is that 11:11 is a reminder that “All is one, one is all”. That I am quickly on my way to God (my definition of God is essentially no-thing-ness. If you can’t jive with the idea of God, you may substitute that word with “completeness”).
I am at the early stages (11 is early in the hour), but I am on that path toward that destination. Always working towards God, completeness, perfection. I am not close, but I’m on my way. Working towards always being more loving, more understanding, more clean (they say that cleanliness is next to Godliness heh).
So far away from God, perfection, completeness– but also always a part of it.
11:11 there is no me without you, or you without me. Whenever there is a you there is a me and whenever there is a me there is a you.
Do numbers mean anything? Well yes of course. Do they mean anything in a Numerology sense? Well… I really hate to do this to you, but I can’t help myself– only time will tell 😉
Wishing you all the best,
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