Hello everyone and welcome!
I come to you because there has been some really amazing news this week as those of you who may have stumbled upon this article may have already known about. If you haven’t heard of it, well I’ll give you a quick recap.
For those not familiar with the Guidestones, you may find further information regarding them with a quick search of Wikipedia (linked here). I advise you to read about them before continuing to read this article as I am not going to share the full history and information of the Guidestones in this article, so take a second to read up elsewhere before reading on.
Done, ok, let’s hit it. The rest of the article is written with the understanding that any reader proceeding has done the supplementary reading available on the wiki page, if not more.
As of 06 July 2022, the Georgia Guidestones have fallen. I would’ve written about this sooner but my fire for writing has recently turned into embers as you can tell from the distance in time from this article and the one preceding it (linked at the bottom).
As a quick summary of recent events, in the early morning of 06 July 2022 the the Guidestones were partially destroyed in an explosion. As of writing the origin of the explosion is unknown and an investigation is currently underway as to its cause. There have been a few theories thrown out, the two main theories being 1. an act of terrorism — and 2. a bolt of lightning. These currently at the time of writing are purely assumptions.
Regardless of the cause I believe this destruction is a good thing. I understand that destruction of property is questionable. However, despite that, I support any possible cause for their falling, more on that in a moment. As a personal note, I do hope it was a bolt of lightning as that would be quite hilarious and removes any intentional [ill] intent regarding their destruction.
The Guidestones are under constant 24/7 CCTV surveillance, so I do find it hard to believe (though not impossible) that there were destroyed by a planted bomb. The only such possibility in that being a glitch in the CCTV and/or an inside job.
The Guidestones served “as a guide for the world following the cataclysm.” A means to guide the world after-the-fact of said after said possible cataclysm. While a popularly conveyed and generally accepted idea, I do not believe that this was the true purpose of the Guidestones, more on that later in this writing.
Following their unknown initial destruction, they were destroyed purposefully torn down fully with heavy equipment. Why? I’m not sure, I was expecting them to be reconstructed personally though considering their mysterious origin, I can understand as to why they wouldn’t be reconstructed.
Can we take a moment to see the irony in these Guidestones falling so easily when they were meant to supposedly to survive a potential nuclear war and/or other destruction? I see it, and I can only chuckle.
Reactions to the destruction
The reactions towards the Guidestones, referred to as the “Stones” going forwards in this article, have been strictly polarized. One half of the reactions are saddened, the other half are glad.
I do personally believe that the destruction of the Stones are strictly a good thing and I will explain here shortly.
The purpose of this article is to convey my opinion so as to help people see the dsnake that is right in front of them that they don’t realize.
I do understand the faction of those who support these Stones. When you read what’s inscribed on them, it can be difficult to not agree with them. Especially when you are an individual who believes in the “Greater Good”, one who believes that we (as a populous) have strayed from our path and are continuing down said path in a headstrong manner.
These stones have no hint of good within them and I hope you can see what I see.
In this article I am only hoping to point out that the Emperor has no clothes and, if I am not believed, this is all I can do. It is up to you to decide whether my observation has any merit.
What do the Stones purport?
To understand what I have to convey, let us first see what is actually inscribed on the stones.
Firstly, the stones possess an explanatory tablet. The explanatory tablet says “Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason”. I’m not entirely certain, but I do believe that is what is inscribed around the edge of the square in four ancient languages: Babylonian (in cuneiform script) Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Ancient Egyptian Egyptian (in hieroglyphs).
Secondly, the main stones message contains a set of ten guidelines/principles were engraved on the Stones in eight different languages, one language on the face of each of the four large upright stones. These languages were English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian. The languages being initially destroyed were supposedly the Hebrew and Arabic languages (I will update if I find out differently).
The ten guidelines/principles are as follows:
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
- Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
- Unite humanity with a living new language.
- Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
- Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
- Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
- Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
- Balance personal rights with social duties.
- Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
- Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
Additionally, the stones have additional astrological features which I will not expand on at this time as I find them irrelevant. You may find out more about these in the wiki linked above.
Why I find the Stones to be absolutely abhorrent
A strongly worded stance, but I stand beside it unwaveringly. Let me tell you why.
I feel that anyone who who thinks the Guidestones are/were benevolent are sorely mistaken, they are using textbook doublespeak. They sound all nice and lovey until you realize that they are completely and totally vague, thus open to interpretation.
They mean one thing, but because you are light and want to see the good in all, that is what you see when the opposite viewpoint is also entirely true.
Let’s not forget that the players playing against everyone else have to follow the rule of disclosure, but there are sneaky ways around that like the Stones wording.
They call for depopulation, they call for eugenics, they call for a one world government, they call for socialism at the cost to individual freedom, and they exclude God/Source/The One from the equation (calling for reason).
Realize that 500,000,000 are next to nothing when the world can hold more than double the current population, Earth is NOT overpopulated, it just lacks the proper infrastructure currently because very few are willing to expand and instead build on what they already have— making people live on top of each other, prices go up, services be difficult, and the cities to always be absolutely overwhelmed. Anyway, I digress…
While we don’t exactly know who specifically erected the stones, many claim they are for the fallout of nuclear war or some other cataclysmic event. I feel that if this were truly the case, that would have been inscribed on the stones. All references I’ve found stating they are for a nuclear war are purely heresay, unquoted, and uncited (going back to even the old newspaper articles regarding the stones).
IF these stones were truly for the purpose of guiding after a cataclysm, besides the fact of the stones being painfully vague and open to interpretation, the stones themselves say nothing of this. Considering the languages listed on the stone and the absolute attention to detail with money being no object in the constitution of said stones, I would imagine that their purpose would be plainly inscribed for those who stumble upon them rather than just vague random rules that someone finds.
I believe the purpose of the stones IS actually inscribed on the stones, just take a look at the center plaque.
The center plaque of the monument says “LET THESE BE GUIDESTONES TO AN AGE OF REASON”.
It does NOT say “LET THESE STONES SERVE TO GUIDE MAN AFTER CATACLYSM” or anything in that vein.
In inscribing “LET THESE BE GUIDESTONES TO AN AGE OF REASON”, undoubtedly the creators of the stones were giving a wink to Thomas Paine’s book, The Age of Reason.
If you have never read Paine’s book The Age of Reason, let me pull out an excerpt that pretty much defines the whole book: “of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is no more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory to itself than this thing called Christianity. To absurd for belief, to impossible to convince, and to inconsistent for practice, it renders the heart torpid or produces only atheists or fanatics. As an engine of power, it serves the purpose of the despotism, and as a means of wealth, the avarice of priests, but so far as respects the good of men in general it leads to nothing here or here after.”
Think as hard as you can people, this is all a game and we need everyone to be as sharp as they can possibly be.
The negativity of each of the rules broken down
Let me lay out the possible ramification of each of the guidelines/principles now. As a general comment, were these guidelines/principles written to serve a world after befalling a cataclysm of some sort they are grossly vague and their intention is open for interpretation. If one were to write guidelines/principles for a new world being build then their meaning should be unquestionable and thus unable to be interpreted in a multitude of ways. Anyway, here are my comments on the guidelines/principles of the Stones:
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.–
Depopulation. If not depopulation, then the culling of humans after a certain number. Are they going to kill any newborn babies that enter the world after that number? Are they going to kill the eldest of the world when a newborn enters the world? Either way, ick! - Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.–
Eugenics 🤢 need I say more??? - Unite humanity with a living new language.–
Removal of knowledge/culture by deleting the old languages. Do you understand the sheer amount of knowledge and culture that would be lost from adopting a new and universal language?? Tragic. Also a living new language implies, to me, that the definitions are not set, but subject to change Which makes it difficult to truly understand what one truly means. Yes, our current languages live and definitions change (for example, there is now a definition accepted and laid out by a language “authority” which says that “literally” now can also mean “not literally”. WTF. Pardon my french but that’s stupid AF. - Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.–
Passion is an emotion, it cannot be ruled or have reason. Faith is completely beyond reason. Contradictory rule. Plus, how many times have you trusted your heart/gut and been right? No more of that, think with only the head now. - Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.–
People need protecting with laws and courts? You want to be beholden to the laws and courts? This is so vague. “You must be institutionalized for your own protection because you are sharing information that is harmful”. - Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.–
One world governmentDo I really need to say more? Should someone 1,000 miles away dictate your life and what you can/can’t do?
- Avoid petty laws and useless officials.–
Who says what law is petty? Are we talking offices/positions or are we talking individuals? Who decides that? How do we decide that? Impossible to tell the intention beyond this rule. - Balance personal rights with social duties.—
Give up personal freedoms for the good of the whole aka Socialism. Plus, who gets to say what someone else’s duty is? Nobody has the authority to tell someone else what their duty is Even if, for example, that person is a marine who “has to” follow orders, they always have the ability to say “no” whether they realize it or not. Nobody is ever beholden to another, even if the authorities that be would like you to think that. - Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.—
What is truth? Truth is ultimately relative/subjective. As is beauty. “Seeking harmony with the infinite”— in “seeking” harmony with the infinite that is essentially an admission that we are not in harmony with the infinite, which is completely untrue. We are a part of the infinite and thus we are and always have been inherently in harmony with the infinite. (see my previous article You Are Infinitely Valuable) - Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.—
They think we’re too dumb so they have to repeat it twice, also— WE ARE NATURE. So yeah, room for us and everything else, which is infinite. WE ARE A PART OF NATURE. Pardon my caps in these statements, but I ask you, is a leaf on the tree any different from the tree itself? It is connect and thus a leaf as well as the tree itself. You are not a drop in the ocean as many would like you to believe, you are the ocean in a drop!
Please pardon my french but fuck these tablets; they deserve to be blown up, pissed on, and shit on.
Do you see it now?
Comments on my thoughts
I have shared my thoughts elsewhere and they have been met with opposition. Opposition is fine as it gives me the opportunity to extrapolate on my thoughts. I don’t believe that one should have any thoughts unless they are able to defend them. Here is an exchange I have had with an individual who is loving and is open to discourse without them feeling attacked so that we may have a proper conversation/discourse:
I.F– Bro. They are just someone’s perception on how to save “their” world 🌎 No need to get too carried away with them. If I had the money I would create my own version of the stones and erect them too 👍💯 People take these stones too seriously not realising they reall my are someone interpretation of “artistic philosophy” Don’t take them seriously bro 👍💯
FCP– not getting carried away, just calling it like it is. They are not an interpretation of artistic philosophy. And I don’t have to take them seriously anymore, they’re gone, as they should be.
I.F.– Could you name the source of the information on those tablets? I’d really like to know who invented these stones. It sure isn’t ancient indigenous or shamanic lore 👍💯 What exactly about it that makes you feel this way? Why does it trigger you so? Serious questions bud 👍💯 It is one of many forms of “dooms day/apocalyptic” warnings that exist in all cultures. Like The Book of Revelations in the Bible. 👍💯
FCP– someone going by the alias R.C. Christian who many have said is unidentifiable, however his real identity was a physician from Fort Doge, Iowa and living a double life with other men of stature (including a publisher and Nobel prize winner) who shared his sympathies on population control and eugenics. If you’re interested, you can rent the documentary for $3 here (https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Clouds-Over…/dp/B01HFNW0ZW)
FCP– as far as what makes me feel this way, I find population control, eugenics, other forms of control, and all that the stones stand for as repulsive. Are you not abhorred by the restriction of freedom, population control, and eugenics?
This is not a warning, it is a guide to running the world and an incorrect one at that. Incorrectness is of course debatable I suppose, if I can’t call it incorrect then I dub it a world dictator’s wet dream.
I.F.– Thank you for sharing… The name R.C. Christian I believe maybe a synonym for Rosicrucian Christian Order.🌹✝️ I have never heard of the RC Christian name being attributed to the stones but then I don’t really know much about them. RC Christian name was used often in the past for Rosicrucian secret order. The Order of The Rose Cross 🌹✝️
FCP– that is indeed what many others believe as well, about the order of the rose cross. Let us not forget that the Rose symbolizes secrets/secret keeping and while keeping secrets is not inherently bad, it’s not inherently good either.
If you know about them then I’m sure you’re aware of their masonic ties. While I believe that masonry used to be good, I believe that they have been infiltrated as many other organizations have. I can’t prove it, but from what I have seen and read, it is the conclusion I stand on currently.
I.F.– I am with you on this one for sure…. I would to know the pre corrupted source of this knowledge. Again, thank you for sharing brother. I hope you and yours are doing ok during these crazy times! 🙏🏽💯
FCP– I would be interested to know that as well, if I find anything I’ll be happy to share. And it was my absolute pleasure to share what I know, knowledge must be spread for the greater good of all.
We’re alright over here thanks 🙏 hope the same for you and yours as well 🙂
I.F.– Synchronicities always confirm a very productive outcome. I feel this has been achieved. Thank you for the add too. Cheers my brother! 🙏🏽💯
So now you have heard my thoughts. Take them as you will. I hope you can see what I see.
Wishing you all the best,
Next Article: Why I write ∞
Precious Article: Weight/Gravity Training