8, a fitting number for the inspiration I feel called to share tonight. 8 symbolizes many things throughout our world. I ascribe to the idea that 8 promotes stability and equilibrium. The number 8 is a symbol of infinite perfection, this can be especially seen when one allows themselves to view the number from multiple perspectives. 8 symbolizes strength and power.
8 is a very good number. Some people might allege that it’s a good number except at the beginning of a pool match and I would say that depends on the rules of the game of that particular pool match. Let’s say we are talking about a regular pool match for the sake of conversation. Yes, 8 coming too early can be detrimental but luckily we’re smart enough to know that and avoid it ;). Yes we know we can’t skip to 8, but that 8 is just the thing we need when the time comes along. We need the 8 in a game of pool for, what I would say, a very beautiful reason. We need the 8 in a game of pool to have a reason to play another game, this is the case even if the 8 is “hit” too early. The beauty of 8 isn’t tragic, it’s an ending that dives right into a new beginning. Notice that 8 is two circles conjoined for a time, each player or each “side”. I would like to remind you that while there is another “side” the implication of another side isn’t negative, it’s you standing in a different place– in the same way that in chess the white and black side aren’t inherently negative.
In writing if we start and 8 and end it too early it isn’t an 8. It must have an origination, it must take a path, then another path that comes back from a new orientation and comes back to it’s origin. Thus is 8’s association with infinity.
An interesting idea with 8 as it pertains to each of us as individuals is that we set out from our origination, wherever we were before we were born (remember, the starting and ending place must be the same). What’s interesting, from my perspective at least, is that we don’t know when we shall return to our said origination, wherever we go when we die. That idea can be relatively depressing of course, but for me it comes as a source of inspiration. If I don’t know what time the return to origination is (going home as I like to say), then I must do what I can with my time and ability on my journey to make the most of it. That is a self-defined objective, your objective can certainly be whatever you choose of course; better said for others, I would say that a more non-pressured objective would be just to enjoy everything here while you have it.
And so, I write. I write to do what I can while I can. If my time for going home can come at any moment unbeknownst to me (at this time), I do not want to die with regrets. I don’t want to die thinking “I should’ve done more” or “what if I had done this instead?” I want to die knowing I have done everything I have set out to do and the best I could given the situation. If I go through life and don’t record or share any of my thoughts, then I won’t have that. My goal is to die saying “I did everything in the best possible way I could.” If I have any “unfinished business” or feel that I “could’ve done more” then I might have the inspiration to return here once more to take care of that “business” or “want for more”. While the Earth and experiences therein are beautiful beyond any words I could possibly say, I am of the firm believe that the rest of infinity possesses… well.. infinitely more experiences infinitely beautiful beyond words.
I know why I came here, I came here to do just what I said, make the most of my physical experience on this plane of existence… as I likely have many times before…
Why do this? Why would that be my objective? Because YOU’RE here. It’s all because of YOU, everything I do. This plane is limiting and filled with “danger” (though not actually dangerous), but I must face the danger in order to pull you out of it, to show you that there is another way, another place.
I am your brethren, you are my siblings.. and as such I love you with my full being. If you saw someone [you love] trapped in a whirlpool, wouldn’t you do everything in your power to pull them out of it? This is my view. I cannot go on, I cannot continue without convincing you of what you’re capable of, of what lies beyond.
There is a party, there is a party where every single entity that exists and loves you with every fiber.. no, molecule.. no, particle[!] of their being. There is a party and I’m going.. not only that but I want you to be there!! I want to be there, but I can’t fully enjoy the party while knowing that you’re not there… yes, that could be construed as selfishness, but can’t anything? Everything I do, I ultimately do for myself, yes, but my intent is not for myself, my intent is to love you.
What is love though? It is hard to define, yet another word that positively does not encompass the feelings behind it.
The best I can personally say about love, is that it’s the all encompassing feeling of wanting to give another absolutely everything that you have. Love is giving what you have to another with no regard for yourself. Love is wanting to give everything to another for their happiness, even at the expense of your own… I must say that again, even at the expense of your own. It is a sacrifice I make willingly and with my own heart. It may not seem like a sacrifice to you, but is it not true that we often don’t realize how much someone loves us?
And so, I will keep writing. I will keep putting myself out there. I will keep standing up for you, for what is right! And I will never stop loving you. I may have to go on this time, I may not come back once I’ve returned home, but just know I will always be there with you. There will always be a piece of me with you, nudging you to the party. And the party has an infinitely open invite.
Wishing you all the best,
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