(I feel this is my favorite piece of writing I’ve done thus far, if you read nothing else on my site at least read this)———–
Yes. You are infinitely valuable.
You are an entirely unique individual who by pure circumstantial happenstance lives, breathes, and experiences the miracle of life.
You are on an evolving planet that just happened to have all things come together perfectly for the existence of carbon based life. The Earth could be just as easily been too close or too far away to sustain life. It could have easily not of had any water on it. The moon may not have formed, giving rise to the tides. Your ancestors could not have made it to a reproductive age, let alone passed down their bloodline the exact same way to you. Last but not least, you could have been hit by a car or lost your life in any number of ways, but yet here you are — fortunate enough to be taking yet another breath of the abundant oxygen from the plants that so graciously produce for us and with the proper capability to comprehend these words I have written and you have likely stumbled upon on this day. (I could go on but I think you get the point.)
Not only did everything in the universe come together perfectly to make you who you are today, but you are made of the universe. You are made of stardust, you are made of the very same material that makes up planets. You are somehow solid, despite being made of atoms that have space between all the particles. In knowing this you also know that you are as perfect, mysterious, and valuable as the very universe itself.
You are nature
You are as natural as stars, as trees, as clouds and as such you are perfect. Nature makes no mistakes (no matter how much others try to convince you otherwise) and as such you are magnificent and perfect in every way. Nature is an interdependent ecosystem and as such all parts are equally valuable. For how could one ever say that trees are better than clouds, mountains better than valleys, land better than sea, or flowers better than the bees? All parts are equal, for they contribute to the whole. Should any part be taken away, the whole would be incomplete. However the whole is never incomplete for when something is lost another is gained. So goes the Law of Equivalent Exchange.
You are greater than the universe
You are greater than the universe. Not only are you made of and have many of the same properties of the universe, but you possess intelligence and free will.
The majority of the universe has no choice in its own existence. It is beholden to do as it does.
This is what makes humanity the most magnificent creature known to date. We are not beholden to anything– or rather we are only beholden to ourselves.
We have the free will to do anything we wish. Does that mean we should? No. Thus, we have the ability to think and consider our impact.
Humanity has proven to be the one and only organism able to conduct the universe to its will. We have mastered much of nature (this will continue indefinitely so long as we do not go extinct as a species) and we have sprung forth inventions that have allowed the progress of civilization to be as we know it today.
All humans are created equal
As such, everyone has the innate ability greater than the universe within themselves. Everyone may manipulate the universe according to their own wishes.
You may arrange the world in such a way that is satisfactory to yourself so long as you possess the knowledge/means to do so.
Why then doesn’t everyone create the life they desire?
All that I have said above is nothing new, but I write it because it is seldom believed or fully realized.
Many people discard this idea because they are not willing to do what is required to make their vision a reality.
You will not have the world you desire until you have put in the work/energy, and the greater the desire the greater the work/energy is required.
Work/energy isn’t the only requirement for changes to take place, it also time/patience. The necessary amounts of both increase with the size of the desire as well.
With both of these requirements in mind these are likely the most common reasons people are inhibited to achieving what they desire:
- Low self-esteem – This stops most individuals before they can even begin. Whether it be placed on them from the condescension of others or self-imposed due to their own negative thoughts. Low self-esteem often keeps people from even entertaining the idea that they are capable of making positive change.
- Fear of failure – Tied into low self-esteem but one step up in that individuals do entertain the idea of their desires but are still paralyzed from action. They cannot handle the self-imposed embarrassment of failure.
- Fear of success – Why would anyone be afraid of success? Well, with the achievement of success comes change. Change is the real fear here. “What if life is too different?”, “What if I get it and it’s not what I really wanted?”, “I may not be entirely happy with my life right now but it is comfortable”, “I know what to expect so why change anything?”
- Unattainable desires – What one wants may not be realistic. While anyone can have anything they like, they must understand their current constraints. Some things are simply unattainable for some.
- Unreasonable expectations – Some would like things to come to them immediately. Some think they can reasonably move a whole mountain with only a shovel within a week. Not only that, but they believe what they desire will suddenly fulfill them, it may, but think again.
- No plan – While just diving in is not the worst approach, it makes one reactive. Some chase their desires giving no thought on how to make it happen. It is possible to achieve success with no plan, but it is much more difficult.
- No discipline – Most of the population these days possesses no discipline. They cannot reign in their mind or their actions. Ultimately they do not put in the work.
- No patience – Most of the population these days also possesses no patience. Everything these days is next to instant, so why shouldn’t their desires be filled within an instant? People end up not being patient enough and abandon their pursuit either for another or entirely.
- No determination – Obstacles deter people. People are afraid of problems. Things/people end up standing in their way, and they often give up.
- Giving in to discouragement – People get jealous/self-conscious of others and as such they voice discouragement to someone chasing their dreams. These voices of discouragement often stack up or come from someone who the person deeply respects. When others don’t support you, it becomes difficult to not give into the negativity.
- Victim mentality – Some people think they will never have any success due to some sort of oppressor preventing them from proceeding at any point in the process of chasing their desire. They have convinced themselves it is due to someone/something being stacked against them rather than their own shortcomings. It is very difficult to escape this type of mentality because it is much easier to blame others than it is to take responsibility for oneself; we are all the heroes of our own stories after all.
How to have the life you desire
Go for it. Acknowledge your own inherent power within. Accept the reality that the world that you know is due to your own creation and if you wish to change it then you may whenever you like.
Easier said than done. It takes time to undo the programming limiting your own power. It is especially difficult if you have any of the traits listed above holding you back. While difficult, everything is possible to overcome with the proper methods:
- Overcoming Low self-esteem – Difficult to overcome, your inner voice is a sly one and if you have low self-esteem your inner voice has gotten good from all the years of talking you down. To counter this, have a sit down with yourself for an hour or two, journal if you’re comfortable, and seriously ask yourself “Why do I feel this way about myself?” and be brutally honest– you will know if you’re lying. Is it because so-and-so has kept you down? Is it because you believed one of the narratives that you’re not so special after all? Why do you put yourself down? Would you put your loved ones down like that if they wanted to do what you wanted to do? Probably not, so why do you talk so badly to yourself? If needed, write affirmations on note cards and read them aloud in the mirror every day and record the audio on your phone. Then, listen back and hear how you sound. Become your biggest fan and support yourself by saying “I can do this” or “there ain’t nothing I can’t handle”. Words have power, say something long enough and it will begin to come true. Do small things to prove to yourself you are capable (chores, being on time, extra work maybe) take up a class/instrument/hobby and see how well you can take that. You can do anything you put your mind to, go prove it to yourself.
- Overcoming fear of failure – Another difficult mental hangup. Why are you afraid of failure? Judgement from peers maybe? Don’t want to let yourself down again? Whatever it is, you cannot fail if you keep trying and remain steadfast in your endeavor. You don’t lose until you don’t stand up again. So keep standing, you will succeed and increase your knowledge/skills so long as you keep trying.
- Overcoming fear of success – Easier mental hangup to overcome. It will require you to realize that if you really want what you want, then change is inevitable. If you make it there and find out you don’t want it, it’s also ok to get back to your previous life. There is no shame in learning that you don’t want something, if anything it shows a bright intelligence. If you’re worried about the changes after achieving success it may be that you didn’t think out what you desired as well as you should. Plus, why are you afraid of success when success is what you wanted in the first place?
- Overcoming unattainable desires – Take stock of yourself, really take stock of yourself. Your age, knowledge, skills, tendencies, finances, timetables, weaknesses, possessions (mental/physical), and anything else you may need to take stock of. Then take stock of your desire — are there any restrictions on getting what you would like? What are the steps? How much time do you have? Really take the time to think about what you would like and why you would like it. The more time you take, the more you can be certain that it is something attainable for you. There may be many steps to get where you are going, be prepared for that as well.
- Overcoming unreasonable expectations – My personal rule of thumb is no expectations ever, that way you can never be disappointed. You may want something to fall a certain way, but in giving up your expectations you give up your attachment to the outcome and let it happen as it may. Don’t put too much on yourself at once. Don’t give yourself unreasonable deadlines. Don’t expect everything to go smoothly. Lastly, if you get your desire, don’t be of the naivety that suddenly all of your problems will be solved and your life will be completely hunky dory. Obtaining what you want isn’t a magical button. You will obtain new problems and what you thought you desired may not be what you actually wanted in the first place.
- Overcoming having no plan – Pretty obvious remedy for this, plan!! I would suggest starting backwards from point B to point A. This is because when starting the journey you will likely have less of an idea of what happens toward the end of your journey. It’s more likely that you have more of an idea of what is required in the start of your journey. This will be starting with the hard part and working your way toward the easier part. If you don’t give up on trying to plan due to the difficultly then it will start to get easier and you may get more excited. Starting with the end of your journey may also provide insight into steps you can address in the beginning you didn’t think of. Last tip on planning– be prepared to roll with the punches and adjusting the plan/ad-libbing. Things like requirements for your path, external reasons (family/friends/new opportunity), or your wants are subject to change any time. There’s no need to force yourself to stick to your original plan out of pride, it is more wise to be adaptable– much in the same way how a plant will grow toward sunlight despite any obstacles that may end up casting a shadow. The shadow doesn’t hurt the plant and the plant pays it no mind, it makes its adjustment and goes about its business as normal.
- Overcoming no discipline – This can certainly be difficult. Discipline in oneself built with time. If you happen to be/have been a gym rat, monk, a sport/instrument player, farmer, or perhaps have to do something that you regularly dislike but do it anyway– then you are already ahead of the game. Discipline really means doing something you would really not do or saying “no” to something you would really like to do. It is laying out rules and systems for yourself. This is mandatory. If you would like to be successful, then there are things you must do regardless of how your really feel about them. To increase your discipline you can make a schedule– read a book/meditate/workout/work toward what you want for 1hr each day, journal every day, keeping a planner, taking cold showers or working out develops discipline, eating nutritiously (if you don’t already), and staying off social media also helps. In regard to being disciplined in one’s desires – at the very least set aside a reasonable and scheduled time each week (time each day) where you are completely focused on attaining your success without ANY outside distraction. Tip: If you know for a fact you have very little or no discipline, then start small with one thing and add on from there. Take on too much and you are likely to fail at everything, including chasing your success.
- Overcoming no patience – It’s ok to feel impatient, after all you are working on something marvelous. It’s not ok to rush things though. Rushing it often leads to mistakes that need to be fixed, poor quality, bad timing, or even potentially ruining whatever it is you are working toward. Rushing things puts undue pressure on things, and we don’t want anything to break under pressure. Fruit after all, tastes the best if allowed to ripen fully on the vine. You’d probably like the best results possible for yourself, as you should– so don’t rob your future self of the greater experience you could’ve had by practicing patience. Furthermore, watching the fruit tree doesn’t make the fruit grow any faster so fill your time with other productive things while you wait.
- Overcoming no determination – I cannot tell you how many times myself and the successful people I know have had obstacles stand in the way of where we wanted to go. Lesser determined folk balk at obstacles and turn away rather than as something fun to be slain/conquered/overcome on the journey to the goal. Obstacles are tests.. how badly do you want what you want? What does a properly determined person do when someone/something is in the way of their goals? A properly determined person goes over, around, above, below, or builds a door through it (only smashing if necessary, we’re determined but not savages). They don’t balk, they laugh at the audacity of the obstacle to dare stand in their path for nothing can conquer their determination to succeed.
- Overcoming living in to discouragement – Shut out the haters. Period. I am personally of the mind of never sharing what I’m doing or working on except for those who have earned my trust in that department. What happens when you share the information with others (family and friends NOT excluded) they often begin to discourage you. “Aren’t you too, [insert X] to be doing that?”, “That must be so hard.”, “Why would you want to do that?”, “What do you plan to achieve? It’s not like it’ll be worth it”, “Should you really be doing that?”. Humans have what has been termed a “crabs in a bucket” mentality (as crabs try to crawl over each other to leave the bucket the ones below pull the ones who are about to escape back in). Pity these people, maybe not pity.. or be sad for them for they know not what they do; they merely cannot see what you see. Not only that, but they will likely offer useless advice you don’t need (if you’re trying to make money they probably don’t have any money or are in debt– you don’t want money advice from someone in debt). By all means hear advice when offered if you like and politely say “thanks” and on the inside consider whether to listen or not. You will likely see that you need to keep your desires and the strides your are making close to your heart and follow that — closing your ears to anyone with commentary on your journey to better your life.
Overcoming victim mentality – Very tricky to unsnare the mind from. Some people will never escape the victim mentality. First, A properly determined person from birth to a legal adult you had very little control of your circumstances. Second, realize from the moment you hit adulthood that your reality was of your own making. You have the ability to make choices. You are likely (but not necessarily) relatively free, if you are a victim it is (likely) self-imposed. Depending on age, sex, ethnicity, location you may have different or more/fewer struggles than others but your current position is due to your own doing. “But the system/X person is keeping me down!!!” I’m sorry WHAT? Who is keeping you down? HMMMM? Is anyone physically holding you down? NOTHING is stopping you from being where you want to be. If you claim to be stopped by a man/woman/racist/religious person/law/location realize YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO GO ELSEWHERE. They may be in your way, but they are NOT an insurmountable obstacle. THEY are the stuck person because you can take your infinitely valuable self elsewhere and be truly appreciated for who/what you are. If someone is standing in your way find someone else who will help you; if someplace doesn’t culturally like your for some reason; if someone is treating you badly– YOU DON’T HAVE TO STAY AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO TAKE IT. Where there is a will there is a way.. and as long as you have an iron will, your success is guaranteed. If what you then for is pure and harms nobody, then NOTHING and NOBODY can hold you down and you can do whatever else it is you desire ELSEWHERE and STILL BE SUCCESSFUL. BELIEVE IT. I need you to believe this! You NEED to BELIEVE IT!!
If you don’t see it already, I sincerely hope you realize your infinite value. I genuinely hope for you to get everything you’d like out of life, you deserve it. I hope you have fun obtaining your desires and farting out stardust.
All the best,
Previous Article (4 ways some video editors fall short)
Love the article. I met you just a couple days ago, but somehow I feel like the universe destined us to meet. My inhibitions seem to be 1 and 10, itโs nice to hear someone with such a positive mindset discuss overcoming these obstacles. Keep the content coming because you got a subscriber!
Thanks brother, pardon the delay in my response, hope you’re well!
Wonderful article!
Thank you for reading and glad you enjoyed :3